Friends of the Connect Conference


Dill & Sons Group / DSG 412 Ministry | Shane Williams

A ministry of DSG (Dill & Sons Group) that is specifically designed for churches & other non-profits to equip your ministry with the knowledge & tools to grow and strengthen the Kingdom of Christ.We provide affordable eye-catching media, PowerPoint background slides, sermon series graphics, website designs, marketing materials & more. Whether it is a consultation about live streaming, online giving, design service, event promotion or even installation of innovative technology, our goal is to help further the message of the Christ in today’s world, while offering budget friendly services.

In Search of The Lord’s Way | Phil Sanders

Search’s ministry remains dedicated to its five-fold purpose: to take the Way of salvation to thousands who live right among us; to light a candle in the darkness of immorality; to resist the materialism and humanism that is choking the faith and spirituality out of so many people; to restore credibility to the religion of Christ that has been diminished in many religious programs; to tell your friends that the church of Christ is not dead, but that it is very much alive and that we care.


Herald of Truth | Greg Swindle

At Herald of Truth, we have one mission: Evangelize. Not only do we want people to hear the Good News, we want them to act upon it. We want them to spread the pathway to salvation. We want them to share the story of Jesus.

HomeMission | John Orr

HomeMission is a group of evangelists and support staff that visits and helps churches or individuals throughout the United States that contact us and asks for help. We encourage our churches that we visit both during and after our visits. We equip them through planning and providing tools to use. We help them plan to evangelize through example and teaching. This is an ongoing, looping process as we return to visit our churches.


World Bible School | David Harper

Learning from the Bible should be enjoyable, not a burden. There are no time limits and no schedules, so feel free to take the courses as you have time. Learn on the website, on the Student LiteApp, or through postal mail.


Lads 2 Leaders |

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